"For those who think that hunting is barbaric and out of date, think again. There is more to hunting than just killing animals - it is about teaching our children the ways of the earth, and a healthy balance of life and death. It is about proper management, and a healthy and natural way of harvesting, handling, and eating our food. And sometimes, it's about getting back to who we are as humans, and how we relate to our organic beginnings." ~ Author

Welcome to our online family hunting magazine! As the saying goes, "A family who hunts together, stays together." And we are a family who hunts together often in the heat of the hunting season.

In the spirit of our kids, we want to promote passing down the skills and enjoyment of hunting, fishing, and the outdoors to our children by making this site, your site. 

We will post the stories and photos of young ones and teens with their families on their hunts. We will share some of our own experiences with you, and add practical solutions and hunting tips for the challenges associated with hunting with youth. Come join us in the much larger family of those who hunt together, stay together.

Please send submissions to:



Please Note: If you have any comments or suggestions, please email them to us. We look forward to your input. Thank you and happy hunting:-))

Kids in Camo
Author and daughter posing with 2007 buck.
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If you are interested in ADVERTISING on our website to aid in the promotion of hunting to the generations to come, please contact me at the email link provided. Keep the Legacy alive.
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